Thursday, October 19, 2017

New Moon in Libra

This is exact this evening, the 19th October, at 8:15 pm GMT.

It's an important one. Expect instability in close relationships. The equilibrium will be upset, in potentially dramatic ways. Energy imbalances and abuses of power will be exposed. If they can't be addressed, sudden breakups and endings are likely. (And as new moons signify new beginnings, sudden new beginnings are also likely – one door shuts, another opens.)

One things is certain – we are doing partnerships differently from now on. Relationship issues have been under the microscope for the past month, but now we're at a breaking point. Existing relationships must adapt and deepen, or die. New relationships will have to be an abrupt departure from what we've always done. There's no point continuing to stay stuck in the same patterns.

For this new moon, Uranus (planet of shock, upheaval and rebellion) will exactly oppose the sun and moon in harmony-seeking, relationship-oriented Libra. As Uranus is unpredictable, this will play out in unexpected ways, but the main element here is shock. This is tough for Libra, which wants to keep everything lovely and nicey-nicey. But it's necessary. Libra is also associated with fairness and justice, and the point of this upset is the rectification of old, buried wrongs – especially stuff associated with sex, power, pathology, the Shadow, the taboo.

That's all Scorpio stuff. Jupiter is in Scorpio as of the 10th October, and maybe you'll have felt the tone shift since then – surface pleasantry is just not cutting it anymore. Jupiter expands whatever he touches, and in Scorpio, he expands awareness of the hidden, taboo undercurrents and the rot beneath the pretty surface.

And so we've seen the Harvey Weinstein scandal erupt and expand – people are calling the Hollywood mogul's exposure as a serial sexual predator “the tip of the iceberg”. The iceberg is an entrenched cultural system of inequality, exploitation, domination and abuse – and people are refusing to accept it as normal or keep silent about it anymore. This is progress – a rebalancing of some very skewed scales.

It is also a very good illustration of the cosmic weather this new moon. We can expect more of this sort of thing in the month ahead. In the year ahead, actually – as Jupiter will be in Scorpio till November 2018.

Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio right now, so this is a good time for deepening your awareness of the Shadow side of relationships – and communicating it. Scorpio involves healing, but it's the kind of healing that follows lancing a boil. It's not pretty. Something poisonous has to be brought to the surface to be released.

So if you want to correct an imbalance in your relationships and yourself, the rotten, pathological stuff you'd rather pretend away has to be brought into conscious awareness. And with Mercury in Scorpio, it has to be talked about. And with Saturn in Sagittarius aspecting the new moon, you'd better be truthful; you'd better be walking your talk. It'll be pretty obvious if you aren't – cover-ups and excuses aren't going to work.

It's a very uncomfortable process but it's what's called for here. Uranus is likely to spark it off with a lightning flash of shock and clarity.

Heavy weather! But with Jupiter in Scorpio, your good fortune is dependant upon your willingness to engage with stuff you'd rather not look at. And for the month ahead, it's a matter of relationship life or death.

Walter Crane

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